Food Stuff

Here you'll find non-recipe food-related food information. It includes lists of some of my favorite food-centric places as well as all sorts of information and curiosities about food.

My Favorite Restaurants in Colorado

Favorite Markets in Colorado

Favorite Restaurants outisde of Colorado and the USA

Happy Hours

Serving Boulder - The History of Boulder Restaurants, Bars, Coffee Shops, and Markets with Ready to Eat Grub This is a list I compiled of all the food and drink establishments that have ever been in Boulder.


The 8/30/16 Daily Camera article that includes an interview with me about my recipe contributions to the River and Woods restaurant when they opened (Aunt Penny's Mac and Cheese and Chile Cappuccino Brownies).

(A photo of Aunt Penny's Mac and Cheese...scroll down. And, three more here.)

(A photo of Aunt Penny's Mac and Cheese...scroll down.)

A 7/25/14 Daily Camera article, written by my friend Clay Fong, including his interview with me about my food truck events, "Food trucks are driving communities closer together".

The 7/13/11 Daily Camera article on my quest to get fried chicken on menus in Boulder, "Fried chicken lovers can now eat in Boulder" [Or printout imperfect PDF attachment below]

Food Movies — I put together a list of over 250 movies in a Word document you can download (See attachment below). It includes everything from movies where food is the central theme to movies with notable food scenes.

Favorite Food Quotes (mostly)

Slow Food. I've belonged to Slow Food Boulder since 1995 and served on the steering committee for many years. Slow Food is a worldwide movement about, Good, Clean and Fair" food with chapters all over the world, several in Colorado, that put on convivial and educational food events. It's hard to explain, but there's a great publication (albeit outdated), The Slow Food Companion (COMPANION_ENG.PDF), you can download from the attachments below. Or, check out the Boulder site, the Denver site, the USA site, or the International site.

Sushi Hound Sushi Parties (I don't do this for profit anymore, just for friends on occasion)

Jeff Varasano's Famous New York Pizza Recipe. I just get such a kick out of this link! It's one long page, he tells you to break your oven to make amazing pizza, and it includes a list of the best pizza joints around. I just know I'd get along with this guy. (His old long site was taken down, so go here, to the Internet Archive snapshot to see what I'm talking about: