Almond-butter chocolate cups

No sugar! Not too sweet. Addicting for me, as I don't like sickly sweet stuff. It will be an acquired taste for those that love sugar.


I use tiny paper muffin cups and just place them on a cookie sheet.

Shell ingredients

* 1/4 cup melted unrefined coconut oil

* 1/4 cup coconut butter (expensive, but worth it for this...Whole Foods)

* 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (I use about 1/4 Black Onyx cocoa from Savory Spice Shop and the rest Droste or Rodelle, but any kind is fine)* 1 tablespoon unsweetened almond butter (Justin's is good. If you live in my area, the one you get from the Longmont Farmer's Market is even better)

* 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (I use pure Madagascar from Savory Spice Shop, but any kind is fine)

* Pinch of sal

* Pinch of cinnamon (I use a heavy pinch)

Filling ingredients (Make a bit more than this)

* 1 tablespoon coconut oil

* 3 tablespoons unsweetened almond butter

Line your muffin pan with parchment liners.

Melt coconut oil and coconut butter in a small bowl in the microwave. Mix in the cocoa powder and spoon of almond butter until super smooth and creamy. Mix in vanilla, salt and cinnamon. Spoon about 1 small spoonful into each cup so the bottom is completely covered. Place in the freezer for about 10-15 minutes to set.

For the filling- melt the coconut oil then mix in the almond butter until smooth. After the shells are hardened spoon about a teaspoon of the almond butter mixture into each cup. Put them back into the freezer to harden before adding the top layer on them.

After they are firm, spoon the remainder of the shell mixture on top.

Store in the refrigerator and enjoy! They will stain your clothes/fingers, so have a napkin nearby and don't wear white.