Favorite Sayings & Quotes


"Breathe deeply and attack life with gusto! Cook, serve, and eat, with the capacity to enjoy, to capture the mood of festivity, to savor conversation, and to appreciate company."—I found on the menu board at Poteger restaurant in Denver around 2002?

"Mangi la vita" (Eat life)—This one is mine.

"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming, "Woo hoo, what a ride!"—Found this on a wall hanging in Humphrey's gift shop in Grand Lake March 2010.

"Spooning leads to forking, so use condiments"—A t-shirt posted by a friend on Facebook

"One of the delights of life is eating with friends, second to that is talking about eating. And, for an unsurpassed double whammy, there is talking about eating while you are eating with friends."—Laurie Colwin, 'Home Cooking'

"It's difficult to meet an ungenerous cook. The very heart of the experience of making food is about sharing, nurture, generosity, the giving of pleasure."—Tamison Day-Lewis 'The Art of the Tart'.

"Life Tastes Good"—From a restaurant in Trinadad, per Saveur magazine - March 2006?

"Vegtables are a must in a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie"—Garfield (from "A cat in the kitchen" food blog: www.acatinthekitchen.com)

"I don't like gourmet cooking or 'this' cooking or 'that' cooking. I like 'good cooking.'"—James Beard (1903-1985)

"The measure of achievement is not winning awards. It's doing something that you appreciate, something you believe is worthwhile. I think of my strawberry souffle. I did that at least twenty-eight times before I finally conquered it."—Julia Child

"In our opinion food should be sniffed lustily at table, both as a matter of precaution and as a matter of enjoyment, the sniffing of it to be regarded in the same light as the tasting of it."—E.B. White (1899-1985) American essayist

"Eat till it hurts, drink till it feels better."—Found on menu at Restaurant/Saloon in Fraser, CO April 2005 with Donna.

“I have long believed that good food, good eating is all about risk. Whether we're talking about unpasteurized Stilton, raw oysters or working for organized crime 'associates,' food, for me, has always been an adventure.”—Anthony Bourdain, 'Kitchen Confidential (2000)

“Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.”—Doug Larson

“From Black pudding to pickled jellyfish, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. What we see and taste as beautiful depends largely on what our family and friends approve of -- with just a little room for personal preference.”—Laurence Mound, Keeper of Entomology, British Museum, Natural History; Introduction to 1988 reprint of 'Why Not Eat Insects' by Vincent M. Holt (1885)

“I never have more than one drink before dinner. But I do like that one to be large and very strong and very cold and very well made.”—James Bond, ‘Casino Royale’

"Burgundy makes you think of silly things; Bordeaux makes you talk about them, and Champagne makes you do them."—Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

"What you see before you, my friend, is the result of a lifetime of chocolate."—Katherine Hepburn

"Some people like to paint pictures, or do gardening, or build a boat in the basement. Other people get a tremendous pleasure out of the kitchen, because cooking is just as creative and imaginative an activity as drawing, or wood carving, or music."—Julia Child

"Cooking is like love, it should be entered into with abandon or not at all"—Harriet van Horne

“Cooking is an art, but you eat it too.”—Marcella Hazan

"Never trust a skinny cook"—Unknown

"Exercize is walking into the kitchen"—Found in a forum on the ChocolateAndZucchini.com blog

"Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to good will and happy companionship. It is of great importance to the morale."—Italian fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli

It's a Wonderful Life — At the Martinis' housewarming.

Mary: Bread... that this house may never know hunger.

[Mary hands a loaf of bread to Mrs. Martini]

Mary: Salt... that life may always have flavor.

[Mary hands a box of salt to Mrs. Martini]

George Bailey: And wine... that joy and prosperity may reign forever. Enter the Martini Castle.

[George hands Mr. Martini a bottle of wine]

"How can I take it seriously? Even my best work turns into poop the next day."—Chef Mario Batali said of his fame

"The gentle art of gastronomy is a friendly one. It hurdles the language barrier, makes friends among civilized people, and warms the heart."—Samuel Chamberlain

"The family dinner table is the cornerstone of civilization and those who 'graze' from refrigerators or in front of the television sets are doomed to remain in a state of savagery."—Miss Manners

"The course of true love never did run smooth."—Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream (OK, so it's not a food quote.)

"Here's to cheating, stealing, fighting, and drinking. If you cheat, cheat death. If you steal, steal a woman's heart. If you fight, fight for a brother. If you drink, drink with me!!"—Irish drinking toast via my friend Rich

"There comes a time in your life when you walk away from all the drama and the people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh & who love you unconditionally. Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy"—Jose N. Harris

"As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point in the wrong direction."—Irish blessing (pass to me by my friend Leslie)

"Veritas ex gustu" Latin for "The truth of taste".

"Moderation. Small helpings. Sample a little bit of everything. These are the secrets of happiness and good health."—Julia Child

"Until further notice….Celebrate everything." Facebook post, on two painted boards, one on top of the other.

"It's the onions. They're only supposed to sweat, but they fell down exhausted."—Mrs. Patmore, Downton Abbey (about a failed broth)